Title: The Vampire's House 1/2 Author: Guardian Erin Fandom: BtVS/Fairy tale Rating: PG Word count: 1,000 Disclaimer: I did not create any recognizable characters in this story. Summary: The classic story of the Baba Yaga/witch in the woods that has many different versions. Now with more Buffy.
Title: Visitor (Part 6) Author: Guardian Erin Rating: NC-17 Fandom: BtVS Pairing: Spike/Giles Summary: Now the boys get to play. There will be at least one more part after this (and yes it will also be NC-17).
Title: Visitor (Part 2) Author: Guardian Erin Rating: R Fandom: BtVS Pairing: Spike/Giles Disclaimer: I did not create the characters. I only play. Summary: Spike visits Giles again, and gives him a promise.